"Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?" - Tim Burton
Young Picasso - 40x40 Inch (Sold)
The "Happy Gilmore of Artwork"
    An American Neo-Expressionist Artist born in Lansing, Michigan on December 30th - 1997. Currently living in his hometown of Mason, Michigan. 
Passionate Business Owner. CSVWART, LLC - was created so Colin could make original, handmade artwork available for everyone. 
"Everyone deserves to have something that inspires feeling."
     Focusing on making artwork that comes from raw emotion and feeling within the moment of creating. Mental Illness is an extremely common topic in Colin's life and something that impacts his daily agenda, so he creates work that represents the struggles faced on a regular basis. His battle with Borderline Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety, and ADHD led to taking harsh and highly addictive pills at just seven years old. These have only treated temporary feelings and can only do so much for mental stabilization. While taking some of those same harsh medications today, creating has allowed him to vent the things he can’t say and emotions he hides from the world. With all of the dark thoughts and demons that haunt his mind, what appears in front of Colin once he is finished - are what he has been wrestling with in his mind. 
     The work that he creates can be extremely dark in nature because of the challenges of daily life. While others are pleasantly colorful, and rather welcoming because he might have had a good day or it was because he was feeling "okay" at the time. Colin has always felt like he doesn’t belong really anywhere, strictly because of how different he is from everyone he has ever known. He has never met anyone as passionate about something as he is about creating artwork. As far as work ethic goes, he has noticed an extreme difference in the amount that others do to better their lives, and strives to do more in his Career no matter what the status he has may be. His artwork is what gives him the confidence to be his true self, and unafraid to express really just how rewarding being different can be when you just have a bit of hope & ambition.
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