Before I found my voice, I was one hundred percent convinced I was going to be a landscape painter. In the beginning, you create work that you believe people want to see, rather than what you really want to be painting instead. It was a very difficult task for me to overcome the peer pressure of standards surrounding being a professional painter. Landscapes were quite literally something I needed to climb over and seek the right stylistic path on the other side. 
 Since then, I have found my true Artistic Voice in the work I am currently creating today.
Haze - 12" x 24"
Haze - 12" x 24"
Pictured Rocks - 12" x 24"
Pictured Rocks - 12" x 24"
Mother Nature - 24" x 48"
Mother Nature - 24" x 48"
Proper Dose - 16" x 20"
Proper Dose - 16" x 20"
Pictured Rocks (2) - 14" x 17'
Pictured Rocks (2) - 14" x 17'
High Hopes - 18" x 24"
High Hopes - 18" x 24"
Alden, Mi - 4" x 4"
Alden, Mi - 4" x 4"
Window View - 4" x 4"
Window View - 4" x 4"
Bummer - 8" x 10"
Bummer - 8" x 10"
City Sunset - 12" x 24"
City Sunset - 12" x 24"
Clear as Day - 10" x 10"
Clear as Day - 10" x 10"
Dusk in Smog - 4" x 4"
Dusk in Smog - 4" x 4"
Garden of the Gods - 10" x 10"
Garden of the Gods - 10" x 10"
Sunset - 4" x 4"
Sunset - 4" x 4"
Mom Swamp - 11" x 14:"
Mom Swamp - 11" x 14:"
Sunset (2) - 4" x 4"
Sunset (2) - 4" x 4"
Beachside - 4" x 4"
Beachside - 4" x 4"
Storm Sail - N/A
Storm Sail - N/A
Summer Breeze - 11" x 14"
Summer Breeze - 11" x 14"
The Calm Before the Storm - 8" x 10"
The Calm Before the Storm - 8" x 10"
Violet - 16" x 20"
Violet - 16" x 20"
Winter's Blue - 12" x 24"
Winter's Blue - 12" x 24"
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